The Secret Daily Teachings 7-1-2014

Photograph Stone Beach Losari by Firman Noid on 500px

Stone Beach Losari by Firman Noid on 500px

To increase your belief that you can create anything you want, deliberately set out to attract something every single day. Choose unusual things so that you know without a doubt you absolutely attracted it through your thought. Think about what you want to attract, get a picture in your mind and see yourself receiving it, and feel it as though it has happened! You will not only learn about yourself and what is the fastest way you can attract things, but your belief level will soar. Imagine being able to attract what you want – in a heartbeat!

Posted on July 1, 2014, in Law of Attraction, Rhonda Byrne, The Secret and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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