The Secret Scrolls – 12/19/2011

From The Secret Daily Teachings

It is not enough to know the principles in The Secret – you must DO them, unceasingly, every single day. You must LIVE the principles. Step by step you will become the master of your thoughts and feelings, and the master of your life.

There is nothing more important than this, because your whole future life relies on you.
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret… bringing joy to billions

This one is out of sync as I just found it in my Spam folder, but now realize I did not see this weekly email but so much else was going one did not think to go and check but happened to see it today….and maybe today is a good day for “seeing” this as I have been quite moody these past couple of days feeling “stuck” in my current situations and circumstances and seeing another year coming to end and no where closer to being where I want and should be at this point in my life. But I know that I have not been as focused and committed on a DAILY basis to practicing and DOING the principles. It is not enough to know, one must DO! Or as Yoda put it “Do or do not! There is no try!” Making these blog entries is helping me to make more of an effort by making me think more and more about the principles and thinking of ways to make them part of my daily routine and not when the situation or circumstances get worse! Or like now when I “feel” worse and so exhausted from constantly running around playing Fire Marshal Bill with my thoughts and emotions and their corresponding circumstances! I need to find and make time for me to work and put the principles into practice….daily practice!

Posted on December 27, 2011, in The Secret. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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