Category Archives: Rhonda Byrne

From Rhonda Byrne…

“Your Wish is My Command”

Be careful of the words you say especially when you begin a sentence with “I am,” because the words that follow “I am” have conviction and will cement you to the spot. When you say, “I am tired” or “I am broke” or “I am sick” or “I am late” or “I am overweight” or “I am old,” Genie says, “Your wish is my command,” and you just cemented yourself to your current state! #TheSecret #RhondaByrne #LOA #Hero #Joy2Billions #LawOfAttraction #Love #Visualize #Gratitude

Visualize Feeling Good

The way out of any difficult situation is to feel a little bit better. Make feeling better your number one priority – and you’ll move yourself out of any difficult situation to a new frequency, where the situation must change for the better. #TheSecret #RhondaByrne #LOA #Hero #Joy2Billions #LawOfAttraction #Love #Visualize #Gratitude

Feel Good

When you look at yourself and feel dissatisfaction about any part of you, you will continue to attract feelings of dissatisfaction, because the law of attraction mirrors back to you exactly what you are feeling inside. Dissatisfaction attracts more dissatisfaction. Feel really good about you, and you will attract more people, circumstances and events that will make you feel really good about you. Rhonda Byrne #TheSecret #RhondaByrne #LOA #Hero #LawOfAttraction #Joy2Billions #FeelGood


The Secret Daily Teachings – 7-23-2014

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What you are thinking now…

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The Secret Daily Teachings 7-1-2014

Photograph Stone Beach Losari by Firman Noid on 500px

Stone Beach Losari by Firman Noid on 500px

To increase your belief that you can create anything you want, deliberately set out to attract something every single day. Choose unusual things so that you know without a doubt you absolutely attracted it through your thought. Think about what you want to attract, get a picture in your mind and see yourself receiving it, and feel it as though it has happened! You will not only learn about yourself and what is the fastest way you can attract things, but your belief level will soar. Imagine being able to attract what you want – in a heartbeat!

Day 4: Magical Health

From the book, The Magic 

“The greatest wealth is health.”

Virgil (70 BC-19 BC)
Roman poet

Health is the most precious thing in life, and yet more than anything else, we can take our health for granted. For many of us, the only time we think of our health is when we lose it. Then the realization hits us: without our health, we have nothing.

There’s an Italian proverb that speaks the truth about health for many of us: “He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not.” While we rarely think of our health when we are well, you will have felt the truth of those words even when you had something minor like a cold or the flu, and you were bedridden. When you are not well, all you want is to feel better, and nothing else matters other than having your health back again.

Health is a gift of life; it is something you receive and continue to receive, each day. In addition to everything else we do to be healthy, we have to be grateful for our health to continue to receive more health!


“Whoever has gratitude (for health) will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude (for health), even what he or she has will be taken from him or her.”

You may know of people who chose a healthy lifestyle and yet still lost their health. Giving thanks in return for the health you are receiving is vital. When you are grateful for your health, you will not only maintain your current health, at the same time you will set the magic into motion to increase the flow of health to you. You will also begin to see the improvements to your health happen right away. Little aches and pains, moles, scars, or marks will start to magically disappear, and you will notice your energy, vitality, and happiness increase markedly.

As you will learn in a later practice, through the daily practice of gratitude for your health, you can improve your eyesight, hearing, and all of your senses, along with every function in your entire body. And all of it happens like magic!

“Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic.”

John Henry Jowett (1864-1923)
Presbyterian preacher and writer

The degree that you are grateful for your health is the exact degree that your health will magically increase, and the degree that you’re not grateful is the exact degree that your health will decrease. Living with a decreased amount of health means your energy, vitality, immune system, clarity of thought, and every other function of your body and mind is weakened.

Being grateful for your health ensures that you will continue to receive more health to be grateful for, and at the same time it eliminates stress and tension in your body and mind. Scientific research studies have shown that stress and tension are at the root of many diseases. Studies have also revealed that people who practice gratitude heal faster, and are likely to live seven years longer!

You can see in the state of your health right now how grateful you have been. You should feel amazing every day. If you feel heavy and life feels like a real effort to get through, or if you don’t feel younger than your age, then you are living with decreased health. One of the major causes of this loss of vitality is a lack of gratitude. All of that is about to change, though, because you are going to use gratitude’s magical power for the health of your body!

The Magical Health practice begins with reading through the following paragraphs about the health of your body. After you read each italicized line for a particular part of your body, close your eyes and mentally repeat the italicized line, feeling as grateful as you can for that part of your body. Remember that when you think about why you’re grateful, it will help you feel gratitude more deeply, and the deeper you feel it, the faster you will feel and see the amazing results in your body.

Think about your legs and feet; they are your main form of transportation in your life. Think about all the things you use your legs for, like balancing, standing up, sitting down, exercising, dancing, climbing steps, driving a car, and, most of all, the miracle of walking. Your legs and feet allow you to walk around your home, walk to the bathroom, go to the kitchen to get a drink, and walk to your car. Your legs and feet allow you to walk around stores, down the streets, through an airport, and along the beach. The ability to walk gives us freedom to enjoy life! Say thank you for my legs and feet, and really mean it.

Think about your arms and hands and how many things you pick up and hold in one day. Your hands are the major tools of your life, and they are in nonstop use all day long, every day. Your hands allow you to write, eat a meal, use a phone or computer, shower, get dressed, use the bathroom, pick up things and hold them, and do everything for yourself. Without the use of your hands you would be dependent on other people to do things for you. Say thank you for my arms, hands, and fingers!

Think about your amazing senses. Your sense of taste gives you so much pleasure multiple times throughout the day as you eat and drink. You know from losing your sense of taste through a cold that the joy of eating and drinking disappears without being able to taste food or drinks. Say thank you for my amazing sense of taste!

Your sense of smell enables you to experience the beautiful fragrances of life: flowers, perfumes, clean sheets, dinner as it’s cooking, a fire burning on a winter’s night, the air on a summer’s day, freshly cut grass, the smell of the earth after rain. Say thank you for my wonderful sense of smell!

If you didn’t have a sense of touch, you would never know hot from cold, soft from sharp, or smooth from rough. You would never be able to feel objects, or physically express love or receive it. Your sense of touch allows you to touch your loved ones with a reassuring hug, and to feel the touch of a hand from one human being to another is one of the most precious things in life. Say thank you for my precious sense of touch!

Think about the miracle of your eyes, which enable you to see the faces of your loved ones and friends, read printed books, newspapers, and emails, watch television, see the beauty of nature, and, most importantly, see your way through life. Just put a blindfold on for an hour and try to do what you normally do, and you will appreciate your eyes. Say thank you for my eyes that enable me to see everything!

Think about your ears, which enable you to hear your own voice and other people’s voices so you can talk to people. Without ears and your sense of hearing you could not use a phone, hear music, listen to the radio, hear your loved ones talk, or hear any of the sounds of the world around you. Say thank you for my hearing!

And to use any of your senses would be impossible without your brain, which processes over a million messages a second through all of your senses! It is actually your brain that enables you to sense and experience life, and there is no computer technology in the world that can duplicate it. Say thank you for my brain and my beautiful mind!

Think about the trillions of cells working unceasingly, 24/7, for your health, body, and life. Say thank you cells! Think about your life-sustaining organs, which are continuously filtering, cleaning, and renewing everything in your body, and think about the fact that they do all their work automatically without you even having to think about it. Say thank you, organs, for working perfectly!

But more miraculous than any sense, system, function, or other organ in our body, is the organ of your heart. Your heart governs the life of every other organ, because it is your heart that keeps the life flowing to every system in your body. Say thank you for my strong and healthy heart!

Next, take a piece of paper or a card, and write on it in big bold letters:
Take the card with you today, and put it in a place where you know you will see it often. If you work at a desk, you can put it right in front of you. If you’re a driver, put it in a place in your car or truck where you will see it often. If you’re at home most of the time, you can put it where you wash your hands, or near your phone. Choose a place where you know you will see the words you’ve written often.

Today, on at least four separate occasions, when you see the words read them very slowly, one word at a time, and feel as grateful as you can for the gift of health.

Being grateful for your health is essential to keep your health, but also to guarantee that it continues to get better, with increasing energy and zest for life. If gratitude were used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments, we would see a health revolution, and recovery rates and miracles like we’ve never seen before.
Magic Practice Number 4

Magical Health

  1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 – Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel gratitude for each one.
  2. On a piece of paper or card write the words:
  3. Place the piece of paper with your written words where you know you will see it often today.
  4. On at least four occasions, read the words very slowly, and feel as grateful as you can for the precious gift of health!
  5. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Want a better life? – purchase The Magic

The Magic book

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret… joy for billions


Day 5: Magic Money

From the book, The Magic

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.”

Christian Science Hymnal

If there’s a lack of money in your life, understand that feeling worried, envious, jealous, disappointed, discouraged, doubtful, or fearful about money can never bring more money to you, because those feelings come from a lack of gratitude for the money you have. Complaining about money, arguing about money, getting frustrated about money, being critical of the cost of something, or making someone else feel bad about money are not acts of gratitude, and the money in your life can never improve; it will worsen.

No matter what your current situation, the very thought that you don’t have enough money is being ungrateful for the money you have. You have to get your current situation out of your mind and instead feel grateful for the money you do have, so the money in your life can magically increase!

“Whoever has gratitude (for money) will be given more, and she or he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude (for money), even what she or he has will be taken from her or him.”
Feeling grateful for money when you have very little is challenging for anyone, but when you understand that nothing will change until you’re grateful you will be inspired to do it.

The subject of money can be a tricky one for many people, especially when they don’t have enough, so there are two steps to the Magic Money practice. It’s important that you read through the entire practice of Magic Money at the beginning of the day, because you will continue with the money practice throughout the day.

Sit down and take a few minutes to think back through your childhood before you had any or much money. As you recall each memory where money was paid foryou, say and feel the magic words, thank you, with all your heart for each instance.

Did you always have food to eat?

Did you live in a home?

Did you receive an education over many years?

How did you travel to school each day? Did you have schoolbooks, school lunches, and all the things you needed for school?

Did you go on any vacations when you were a child?

What were the most exciting birthday gifts you received when you were a child?

Did you have a bike, toys, or a pet?

Did you have clothes as you grew so quickly from one size to the next?

Did you go to the movies, play sports, learn a musical instrument, or pursue a hobby?

Did you go to the doctor and take medicine when you were not well?

Did you go to the dentist?

Did you have essential items that you used every day, like your toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo?

Did you travel in a car?

Did you watch television, make phone calls, use lights, electricity, and water?

All of these things cost money, and you received them all – at no charge! As you travel back through memories of your childhood and youth, you’ll realize how many things you received that equate to hard-earned money. Be grateful for every single instance and memory, because when you can feel sincere gratitude for the money you’ve received in the past, your money will magically increase in the future! It is guaranteed by Universal law.

To continue with the practice of Magic Money, take a dollar bill and write on a sticker that you place on the bill:
Take your Magic Dollar Bill with you today and put it in your wallet, purse, or pocket. At least once in the morning and once in the afternoon, or as many times as you want, take it out and hold the Magic Dollar Bill in your hands. Read your written words and be truly grateful for the abundance of money you’ve been given in your life. The more sincere you are, and the more you feel it, the faster you will see a miraculous change to the circumstances of your money.

You will never know ahead of time how your money will increase, but likely you will see many different circumstances change for you to have more money. You could find money you didn’t realize you had, receive unexpected cash or checks, receive discounts, rebates, or decreases in costs, or receive all kinds of material things that would have cost you money.

After today, put your Magic Dollar Bill in a place where you will continue to see it every day to remind you to be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given, never forgetting that the more times you look at your Magic Dollar Bill and feel gratitude for the money you have been given, the more magic you will bring forth. An abundance of gratitude for money equals an abundance of money!

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re about to complain about something to do with money, whether it’s through your words or your thoughts, ask yourself: “Am I willing to pay the price for this complaint?” Because that one complaint will slow or even stop the flow of money.

From this day forward, make a promise to yourself that whenever you receive any money, whether it’s your salary for work, a refund or discount, or something that someone gives you that costs money, you will be truly grateful for it. Each of these circumstances means that you have received money, and each instance gives you an opportunity to use gratitude’s magical power to increase and multiply your money even more by being grateful for the money you’ve just received!
Magic Practice Number 5

Magic Money

  1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 – Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel gratitude for each one.
  2. Sit down and take a few minutes to think back through your childhood and all the things you received that were provided at no charge to you.
  3. As you recall each memory where money was paid for you, say and feel the magic words, thank you, with all your heart for each instance.
  4. Take a dollar bill or other small bill and write on a sticker that you place on the bill in big bold letters:
  5. Take your Magic Dollar Bill with you today, and at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon, or as many times as you want, take it out and hold the Magic Dollar Bill in your hands. Read your written words and be truly grateful for the abundance of money you’ve been given.
  6. After today, put your Magic Dollar Bill somewhere you will see it every day to remind you to continue to be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given in your life.
  7. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

We hope you have loved your week of gratitude practices from The Magic, and that you have noticed how much better your days go and how much better you FEEL with the power of gratitude in your life! There are 23 more incredibly powerful practices in The Magic book. Together, they are life-changing!
Want a better life? – purchase The Magic

The Magic book

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret… joy for billions


Day 3: Magical Relationships

From the book, The Magic 

Imagine if you were the only person on Earth; you would have no desire to do anything. What would be the point in creating a painting if no one could see it? What would be the point in composing music if no one could hear it? What would be the point in inventing anything if there was no one to use it? There would be no reason to move from one place to another because wherever you went would be the same as where you were – no one would be there. There would be no pleasure or joy in your life.

It’s your contact and experiences with other people that give your life joy, meaning, and purpose. Because of that, your relationships affect your life more than anything else. To receive the life of your dreams, it’s vital that you understand how your relationships affect your life now, and how they are the most powerful channels for gratitude to start magically changing your life.

Science is now confirming the wisdom of the great sages of the past, with research studies showing that people who practice gratitude have closer relationships, are more connected to family and friends, and have other people look upon them favorably. But probably the most astounding statistic that has come out of research studies is that for every one complaint about another person, whether in thought or word, there have to be ten blessings for the relationship to flourish. Any less than ten blessings for every one complaint and the relationship will deteriorate, and, if the relationship is a marriage, it will most likely end in divorce.

Gratitude makes relationships flourish. As you increase your gratitude for any relationship, you will magically receive an abundance of happiness and good things in that relationship. And gratitude for your relationships doesn’t change only your relationships; it also changes you. No matter what your temperament is now, gratitude will give you more patience, understanding, compassion, and kindness, to the point where you won’t even recognize yourself. The little irritations you once felt and the complaints you had in your relationships will disappear, because when you’re truly grateful for another person, there’s nothing you want to change about that person. You won’t criticize, complain about, or blame them, because you’re too busy being grateful for the good things about them. In fact, you won’t even be able to see the things you used to complain about.

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”

Thornton Wilder (1897-1975)
writer and playwright

Words are very powerful, so when you complain about any person you actually harm your life. It is your life that will suffer. By the law of attraction whatever you think or say about another person, you bring to you. This is the very reason why the greatest minds and teachers of the world have told us to be grateful. They knew that for you to receive more in your life, for your life to magically increase, you have to be grateful for others just as they are. What if every person close to you said, “I love you – just the way you are,” how would you feel?

Today’s magical practice is being grateful for people just as they are! Even if all of your relationships are currently good, they will increase with more magnificence through this practice. And with everything you find to be grateful for in each person, you will see gratitude perform its breathtaking magic, and your relationships will be stronger, more fulfilling, and more enriching than you ever thought they could be.

Choose three of your closest relationships to be grateful for. You might choose your wife, your son, and your father, or your boyfriend, your business partner, and your sister. You might choose your best friend, your grandmother, and your uncle. You can choose any three relationships that are important to you, as long as you have a photograph of each person. The photograph can be just of the person, or the both of you together.

Once you have selected your three relationships and photographs, you are ready to set the magic into motion. Sit down and think about the things you are the most grateful for about each person. What are the things you love the most about this person? What are their best qualities? You could be grateful for their patience, ability to listen, talents, strength, good judgment, wisdom, laugh, sense of humor, eyes, smile, or kind heart. You could be grateful for the things you enjoy doing with the person, or you can recall a time when the person was there for you, cared for, or supported you.

After you’ve spent some time thinking about what you’re grateful for about the person, put their photograph in front of you, and with a pen and notebook, or on your computer, choose the five things you are the most grateful for. Look at the photograph of the person as you make your list of five things, begin each sentence with the magic words, thank you, address the person by their name, and then write what you’re grateful for.

Thank you,      their name       , for        what?       .

For example, “Thank you, John, for always making me laugh.” Or, “Thank you, Mom, for supporting me through college.”

When you’ve finished your lists for all three people, continue with this magical practice by taking the photographs with you today and putting them in a place where you will see them often. Whenever you look at the photographs today, thank the person by saying the magic words, thank you, and the person’s name:

Thank you, Hayley.

If you’re moving around a lot, carry the photographs with you in your bag or pocket, and make an effort to look at the photographs three times during the day, following the same procedure.

Now you know how to use gratitude’s magical power to transform your relationships into Magical Relationships. Although it is not part of the requirement of this book, you may want to take this amazing practice and use it every day if necessary to make every relationship you have magnificent. You can use it on the same relationship as many times as you want. The more you can be grateful for the good things in your relationships, the faster every relationship in your life will miraculously change.
Magic Practice Number 3

Magical Relationships

  1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 – Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  2. Choose three of your closest relationships and collect a photograph of each person.
  3. With the photo in front of you, write five things you are most grateful for about each person, in your journal or on your computer.
  4. Begin each sentence with the magic words, thank you, include their name, and what you’re specifically grateful for.
  5. Carry the three photographs with you today, or put them in a place where you will see them often. Look at the photographs on at least three occasions, speak to the person’s face in the photograph, and thank them by saying the magic words, thank you, and their name. Thank you, Hayley.
  6. Before you go to sleep, take your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Want a better life? – purchase The Magic

The Magic book

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret… joy for billions